
Vital Stats:

Name: Mallory Hunter
Age: 24
From: Orange County, New York (Now lives in Oneonta)
Singing Experience: "Since I was a little girl I was singing in the kitchen with my mom. I just started singing a few years ago to more than just my family and friends."
Heroes: Parents and Brothers "Basically, my whole family for encouraging me to always do my best and give it my all. My motivation is their loving support."
Favorite Country Artist: Martina McBride "She sings like an angel and I've listened to her since I was a little girl."
Country Crush: Kenny Chesney

The Inside Scoop:

In spite of an unreliable old Ford truck, Mallory persevered to enter the Hawk Hitmaker Challenge! A driven and passionate singer, Mallory is set to answer the bell and compete to win the Hitmaker Challenge.

A lifelong country music fan, Mallory just began to sing outside of the comfort zone of family and friends recently. She's performed locally before, but the Hitmaker represents a brand new arena for her to show off her musical talents.

To the country music skeptic:

To defend country music to a skeptic, I would tell them that I love how it always tells someone story

A local talent with a flair for country performance, Mallory would greatly appreciate your votes!

Here is Mallory's song. Take a listen and look out for your opportunity to vote once all 10 contestants have been profiled.


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