Maine New York Celebrates 175th Anniversary All Memorial Day Weekend
When was the last time that you played tiddly-winks? How about washing your clothes using a washboard? If you find yourself saying, what's "tiddly-winks" or a "washboard", then this is a great weekend to find out while having some good old-fashioned family fun.
It's Maine's Demisemiseptcentennial and they will be celebrating all Memorial Day weekend. Their 175th anniversary begins with a brief opening ceremony on Friday, May 26th. There'll be a community musical performance under the direction of Hilary Rozek at Maine Memorial Elementary School.
Maine New York Celebrates 175th Anniversary
Saturday begins with a Trikes and Bikes parade in the Maine Town Park at 9:30 a.m. It kicks-off a full day of old-fashioned games, a beard contest, free trolley rides, museum tours, cornhole tournament and much, much more.
There will over 75 artisans, vendors and community groups on Saturday at the Maine Town Park from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The night will conclude with a square dance at J. Ralph Ingalls School beginning at 6 p.m.
Sunday starts with a pancake breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus at the Most Holy Rosary Church. Three of Maine's historic homes will be open for touring and the day will end with an old-fashioned hymn sing at the First Baptist Church.
Memorial Day Monday will begin with the American Legion's Memorial Day parade beginning at 9 a.m. and will end at the Maine Cemetery where the memorial service will take place. This is the American Legion's 50th year of organizing the parade and it's one that shouldn't be missed.
After that will be the Nanticoke Valley Historical Society's annual Smokey Legend BBQ and bake sale at the Janet W. Bowers Museum. The weather looks absolutely fantastic every day, so I hope you'll take some time to enjoy their trip back in time.
With all the CRAZINESS that's been going on for the last few years, we find ourselves longing for the "good old days." This Memorial Day Weekend in the town of Maine will be exactly what the doctor ordered...Do you remember when doctors made house calls?