This Is Why New Yorkers Might Have Trouble Finding Ketchup
“You already have enough ketchup!” This is the exasperated phrase uttered by every single parent of a ketchup loving child every single day of the week and yet, their child always wants more.
I’m not sure what’s worse – a child with a mound of ketchup already on their plate who’s whining for more or the idea of running out of ketchup because there's no more on store shelves.
Let's not panic and turn hoarding ketchup into the great toilet paper shortage 2.0, okay?
It’s a new month which means that we’re due for a laundry list of new shortages and this potential shortage has ever parent of a ketchup loving kid on edge. If the rumbles are true- it could be a long winter of trying to make ketchup last as long as you can.
The New York Post is reporting that the makers of ketchup, salsa, and spaghetti sauce are having a ridiculously hard time finding tomatoes and it all stems from the same issue we've been having here in New York - a massive drought in California.
Dry conditions in California wiped out pretty much all of the tomato crop and consumers are already starting to feel the effects with the price of ketchup up 23 percent from last year.
The bad news continues with industry insiders saying that things are only going to get worse with the supply of ketchup as well as the cost.
Packing plant manager R. Greg Pruett told the New York Post, “There is obviously a point where the relationship is going to break down if items get priced to the point where the average consumer wants to decide to do something else.”
Ranch dressing, maybe?