Here’s Something To Try On Election Day
The 2020 stress seems to be hitting epic proportions. We have the coronavirus pandemic going on its seventh month, new travel restrictions for New York, and some election happening tomorrow, November 3rd.
A study was done and to no one's surprise, the Presidential Election is expected to be the most stressful day of their life. It doesn't matter which side, you are on, it's not going to be like any other election in our lifetime. It'll make hanging chads from 2000 look like a kindergarten project.
Many establishments and offices throughout the country are boarding up their buildings in anticipation of what's going to happen tomorrow night after the polls are closed. It's enough to give you a knot in your stomach and a pounding in your head.
I've had a chat with people who are losing or have lost hope and they FEAR what's going to happen after tomorrow. What do we do next?
Many are turning to prayer for the country, its leaders, and most importantly themselves. Take some a moment to pray, whoever it is that you pray to. If you're not sure where to start, I know a prayer that can help you, especially during these unpredictable times.
Here's another thing, it's good to know that you can talk to someone that will listen, someone that has your best interest in mind. Try it, If you don't like it, you've only lost a little time. If you like it, keep it and you'll have something that'll last forever.
There is something that I keep reminding myself of during the past few weeks and it's this, "I've read the book and I know how it ends." If you're a Christian, you matter what happens after November 3rd.