Here is something that you may already know but now we have the proof. New York has got some extra shine when it comes to lady luck!

With an index score of 72.40/100, it turns out we’re rubbin’ elbows with the luckiest people in the good ol’ U.S. of A. So, how did we come in 6th on the luck-o-meter? took a look into what makes us New Yorkers extra lucky.

They factored things like the number of lottery winners, life expectancy, car accidents (keep those roads safe, folks), and even dodging those natural disasters. It’s like having a guardian angel of luck watching over us Empire State dwellers!

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Now, it seems like the stars have aligned in our favor here in New York. We might not be the numero uno lucky ducks in the country, but 6th place ain’t too shabby. With our  lottery scene, our residents living long and healthy lives, keeping car accident rates in check, and dodging natural disasters like a champ, it’s safe to say that luck is in the air in the Empire State.

So, let’s raise a slice of cheesy pizza to New York because in the immortal words of Frank Sinatra, "luck be a lady tonight." We know that New Yorkers have it...along with success, and moments that make life so exciting in the land where dreams are made.

So, bring it on – after all, we’re New Yorkers, and a little luck is all in a day's work!

Here are the Luckiest Lottery Numbers Ever:

Will they be lucky for you? You can't know unless you play.

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns

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New laws in New York for 2025 introduce reforms in healthcare, workplace rights, and consumer protections.

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