Easy Way to Get Money for a Down-Payment on a House
So, you've found the house of your dreams and even though you've got a steady income, you still don't have a whole lot of extra money in the bank to put toward a down-payment on the house you love. I get it, I really do, because that's where my husband and I are right now.
Jay and I have decided that it's time for us to plant some roots, and so we've started searching for a house. We sort of feel like we're jumping without a net which is both exciting and terrifying. We're literally on edge waiting to hear back from our loan officer and our realtor whether or not we'll be able to move forward and take the steps to make the house our forever home.
My husband and I have gone on a complete financial lockdown and are not spending a penny unless it's a necessity. How much does this mean to us? Well, we literally cashed in all of the cans and bottles that we've been collecting- that's how badly we want to save every penny and get into this house that we're in love with.
Unfortunately for us, we can't play the Hawk's Cash Cow contest for two chances each day to win $1,000...but you can!
All of you've got to do is listen weekdays now through April 21st for me and Glenn to give you a code word around 7:15am. You'll want to insert that code into our online game as soon as you can for your first chance of the day to win $1,000. Your second chance will come when Doug Mosher gives you the second code word of the day around 2:30pm weekdays. You'll have until 11:59pm each day to enter the two codes that we give to you.
Can you imagine? A thousand bucks to do whatever you want with- use it toward the down-payment on a house, use it for vacation, save it for a rainy day- the possibilities are endless!