Easter In 2021
Everything came to a pause in March and we stayed there for over a year and we are SLOWLY getting things back to some kind of normal. So how will your Easter look for 2021?
Easter 2020 was different in so many ways for people. Church's were closed, gatherings weren't permitted and everyone was just supposed to stay home and ride out the two-week pause.
Easter 2021
This will be the second Easter since the pandemic began, so will it look like Easter 2020 or Easter 2019? Before last year, we would hold Easter at my house complete with a 300 Easter egg hunt in the backyard. Last year, all of that was put on hold and this year I'm going to my parent's house for Easter dinner.
It looks like that more people will be celebrating Easter with family this year. However, New York and Pennsylvania are still restricting indoor and outdoor gatherings to 10 people, so asking friends to join in the celebration could be tricky.
If you are looking for some mental relief away from home, I suggest that you find a Bible-Believing church to go to on Easter. More people are going to church this year for Easter than last year but it's still under 20%
Nothing New To Wear For Easter, No Problem
If you are thinking that you have nothing new to wear to church, don't worry, about half of people celebrating Easter won't be buying a new outfit either. Besides, the good churches don't care how you dress, they are happy that you are there.
If you think that you aren't good enough to go to church, you have nothing to fear because I'm not either but I still go. In fact, I'll be there at 10 a.m. on Sunday. As I always say, Easter isn't about the bunny, it's about the Lamb.
Happy Easter and enjoy it the best way you can.