Afton VFW Post 3529 Seeks Help From Community to Make Building Repairs
Our local Veterans of Foreign War Posts truly are a pillar of support for our community. Not only do our local Posts offer support for our veterans and their families, but they also give freely whatever they're able to help each and every one of our community members.

VFW Post 3529 on Main Street in Afton is just one example of a Post that gives back so freely to our community. Post 3529 hosts fundraisers to benefit community organizations such as the Afton Community Theater, Afton Sertoma, Afton SADD Chapter Spaghetti Dinner, Chamber of Commerce, and more.
VFW Post 3529 also offers community members free and proper disposal of the American flag; donates flags requested by the community, and distributes flags throughout our local cemeteries in honor of our fallen soldiers on Memorial Day.
VFW Post 3529 in Afton has had to change the way it does fundraisers and now, the Post is in a bit of a bind. Post 3529 needs a new roof, windows, and doors but the cost is more than they can shoulder alone. The estimate for the roof is $8,000.00 and the estimate for the new windows and doors is $2,500.00. The VFW needs these repairs done so that they can continue to serve our veterans and community and so they are humbly asking for contributions.
The VFW and its Auxiliary host a fundraising breakfast the first and third Saturdays of each month and the proceeds help the VFW continue its involvement in the community, as well as help, lessen the burden of operating costs, including building repairs. The cost of breakfast is $6 for adults, $5 for seniors, and kids up to age six are free. Breakfast begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 11:00 a.m. There are some rules that must be followed including, no more than 25 people in the dining hall at any time, masks must be worn to enter, and you must stay six-feet apart. Members of the VFW and its Auxiliary will serve you breakfast and takeout will also be available.
Another way that you can help the VFW Post 3529 is by making a monetary donation and if you'd like to do that, please reach out to Kristina Mercilliott, Vice President of Post 3529 Auxiliary by writing to her at VFW, 187 Main Street, PO Box 238, Afton, NY 13730 or email proudaftonmom@yahoo.com.
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