So have you ever longed for the days of playing in finger-paint and eating graham crackers for a snack before taking a nap? You know, making Mother's Day cards out of uncooked noodles and such?

You are in luck, adult pre-school is real! It's not free, but you can enroll with the Brooklyn based company's "Preschool Mastermind". This course is a one-month long program that says they aim to help adults over the age of 18 “re-learn the basics and experience the magic of life as it was originally intended.”

The pricing is $333 and $999, and you'll expect to spend time in class playing games, doing arts and crafts, participating in show and tell, going on field trips and completing a playsheet, and some other stuff including nap time. / Preschool Mastermind / Preschool Mastermind

Hold your horses though, there's limit of 10 students per class and you have to apply to enroll:

“Please note, applications must be PRINTED and filled out BY HAND,” reads the application instructions. “Think markers, crayons, paint… perhaps this means a trip to the art store — ohh fun! Please read carefully (because this time around, you can read). Most importantly, HAVE FUN with it!”

Thirty year old business owner Michelle Joni Lapidos website says that men and women (grownup boys and girls) are welcome and that she is looking for “bright-minded” students who are “intent on making play more part of their life.”

“Miss Joni,” who teaches the course has “nearly half a degree in Early Childhood Education” according to her bio.  "I wanted to be a preschool teacher for many years, so that is what I originally went to college for!” she writes in the bio. “But then I realized that career path meant being chained to a classroom and told that my butt can’t show… at all. So I switched to Fashion Merchandising.”

She also has an assistant! Her name is Candice Kilpatrick (Miss CanCan). She is a former preschool teacher with a master’s degree in teaching. The preschool class will also have the chance to bring two adults of their choice to class with them. Why? It's  “parents day,” if your parents approve you can actually bring your Mom and Dad.


Source: CBC News

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