The school that my kids attend has decided to let the kids use their cell phones at lunch and in the hallway between classes. The kids don't communicate face to face much as it is, I'm afraid this will make it worse. This is how you know:

5) You don’t have carpal tunnel, you have ‘Texter’s Neck.’

4) If you leave the phone in the other room, you suddenly can’t function.

3) When you go to bed, you tell it Good Night and give it a kiss……without shame.

2) You consider Twitters 140 word limit a restriction on your freedom of speech.

1) You are reading this on your phone.

When I'm walking in downtown Binghamton during the school lunch hour, it'll be nothing to see 4 kids walking shoulder to shoulder. All of them are just looking at their phone texting or whatever else on their phone.


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