
Scary Phrases
Scary Phrases
Scary Phrases
You can probably think of a dozen things you don't want to hear your lady say, but these four phrases are the ones that strike the most fear in a guy when he hears them uttered.
Engagement Ring Cost
Engagement Ring Cost
Engagement Ring Cost
Valentine's Day has come and gone and you were considering proposing, but when you went to the store to look at engagement rings, you were stunned by the price. Right? Many, many years ago I was out Black Friday shopping and fell in love with a ring...
Is Facebook Messenger the Latest Dating Service?
Is Facebook Messenger the Latest Dating Service?
Is Facebook Messenger the Latest Dating Service?
I hate talking on the phone. I have to stop what I'm doing and give undivided attention. Not to mention remember what you said after all the tasks I just did. Now, let alone that stuff what if the phone call was someone asking you out on a date? Surprising, and for the girls who get hit on a lot, forward and somewhat creepy!