Eight weeks ago... after a long stressful issue with a hiatal hernia I had surgery to correct the issue. The 1st week was liquid diet then onto pureed foods, which many friends including top area chef Shannon Buckland making pureed awesomeness for me, had me initially dropping 15 pounds. Hey! The baby food diet works!! hahaha but I digress... swallowing food is still a stressful situation for me. Everything seems to be getting stuck.

YES, before you say it I have gone back to see the surgeon and doctors and I guess its still healing. Still hurts at the surgery site. I have mixed emotions about the whole thing because as of now I really don't feel any better than I did before the surgery. Sure the little bit of heartburn I was experiencing is gone, but now I dread eating. It's such a chore. I know that thinner is healthier. I just wasn't expecting it to happen this way. Since the 1st consultation about corrective measures 8 weeks ago I am down approximately 63 pounds. about 8 pounds a week is my average loss.

I have read blog roll from people who have had the same procedure and many have said it took them about a year to completely heal and be able to eat normal again. Less food fits in my stomach now and that is normal because some of my stomachs real estate was used to fix the hernia.  Now the math of this issue scares me a bit. if the 8 pound a week loss continues, and this will take a year to heal, I will be on the way to an additional 354 pound loss... Here's the problem. I don't have an additional 354 to get rid of....



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