A five-year-old boy has been billed for missing his friend’s birthday party and his parents claim they've been threatened with small claims court if they don't pony up the cash.

5-year-old Alex Nash was invited to a friend’s birthday party at a ski and snowboarding place. Alex’s parents responded to the invitation and said Alex would attend, but after sending in the RSVP,  Alex’s parents realized they already had other plans for that day. Alex's dad said he didn't have contact info for the birthday boy's mom to let her know Alex wouldn't be attending the party and I think it's safe to say that didn't sit well with the birthday boy's mom.

A few days after the birthday party, Alex came home from school with an invoice from the birthday boy’s mom for a $24 “child’s party no show fee.”

At first Alex's parents thought the bill was a joke, but they learned it wasn't when the birthday boy’s mom allegedly threatened to take them to small claims court.

The angry mom who sent the invoice says:  “This is not the first time Alex has not turned up to a party that he has been invited to, either. The amicable way round this I believe would be to pay me the money and let a lesson be learnt, I hope this is agreeable ?”

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