What You Need to Know About ‘National Tequila Day’
Tequila: Joe Nichols says that it makes her clothes fall off, Tracy Bryd encourages you to have Ten Rounds of Jose Cuervo and Dan & Shay say that it can shut down a party. So what does Tequila mean to you? Today is National Tequila Day and it's even better because it's Friday.
So if you're looking to impress your friends (and everyone wants to do that), here are some Tequila Fun Facts:
Before the coronavirus pandemic, margaritas accounted for about 23% of all cocktail sales in bars and restaurants and 30% of margarita sold in bars and restaurants are flavored.
The early bird gets the worm but what about a tequila drinker? The answer is no. You may find a worm in a product called mezcal. Mezcal is sometimes confused with tequila.
Everyone knows the song by the Champs called "Tequila" that went all the way to number one on the charts. But did you know they had a sequel? It was called "Too Much Tequila" and it got as high as #30.
Finally on this National Tequila Day always remember and never forget this important fact: It's salt, tequila. lime.
So why is National Tequila Day celebrated on July 24th? WHO CARES...but if you really want to know, go here to have your tequila questions answered. TEQUILA!