Don’t Like the Weather, Wait Five Minutes
While we’re on the subject of winter and snow season what happened to Spring?
Traditionally springtime in Binghamton has its pitfalls or literally it as highs and lows, meaning if you don’t like the weather wait 5 minutes!
We had some humidity to start off the month of April.
Then the rain came but still some warmth, and here it is May 3rd and it’s 50 degrees with some possible snow showers this weekend, really?
Many people are trying to get some mowing in between raindrops, while others like us are also trying to get our swimming pools ready for the warm weather.
I don’t remember ever seeing it snow in May and even if we get any this weekend, it would be more like flurries with no accumulation, I hope.
According to Weather DB The average monthly snow fall in Binghamton for the month of May is one tenth of an inch, so no need to break out the snow shovels.
However you may want to wear a jacket or sweatshirt today, if you’re planning on going outside for a walk, or attend an event like the Rumble Ponies game at Noon today.
We know the warmer weather will be here soon and I’m sure we’ll have our share of the dog days of summer, so to Mother Nature I say how about a little sun Ma’am.
[via WeatherDB]