Who Are You Watching the Big Game With on Sunday
The Big Game is this Sunday and because of the pandemic, there will probably be fewer parties happening this weekend. Who would have guessed a year ago at this time that we could be going to a party virtually or stay at least 6 feet apart?
If you've ever wanted a reason to not go to a party, you have your excuse and you won't even be questioned. I know there are legitimate reasons to stay away from each other and we need to be careful.
This reminds me of a saying I saw recently: In 2019, we were encouraged to stay away from negative people but in 2020/2021 we should stay away from positive people.
Every year, I would attend a party at my in-laws and I've been told that it isn't happening this year. I've been invited to another Sunday get-together but I have to remember to bring my mask. If you said that to someone last February, you would have questioned what kind of party you were going to.
In a year (or so) where we are to stay away from each other, it's not really surprising that a quarter of the people in a recent survey said that they would be watching it by themselves.
The game will be different this year because the stadium won't be sold out but I'm looking forward to Eric Church's rendition of the National Anthem and seeing Brady and Mahomes work their football magic. I may be watching it by myself or silently going to a friend's place for a socially-distanced get-together.
How are you watching the game on Sunday?