How Are You Celebrating the Last Weekend of Summer
Fall doesn't officially begin until Monday morning at 3:50 a.m. so there is still time to enjoy summer this weekend. The weather is going to cooperate with sunshine and temperatures in the upper 70's all three days. So what's the best way to celebrate?
Tara plans on doing something outdoors, but probably not doing what you think Tara says that she can sense when the seasons' change and she can smell fall and Halloween.
Her senses say that it's fall, so fall is here as far as I'm concerned. I think it's awesome that she wants to help out around the house, inside and out. She likes to decorate the house with pumpkins and a Halloween tree. What? Are we the only ones that have one of those?
She also asked me, if I wanted to help her rake the leaves. My response was, "I'm sorry, rake the what?" She told me she wants to start before there are too many on the ground and I couldn't agree more.
So being the good dad that I am, I decided to help her out. The best part when you rake now is that there are not many leaves on the ground and this way I can spend the rest of the weekend enjoying the sunshine.
It's quick and when you put them in the bag, it's not heavy. So the raking as begun at the Pitcher household. I just hope she doesn't ask me to jump in the pile.
So what are you going to do for the final weekend of summer?
{via Time and Date]