Do you live in New York and feel frustrated with the high taxes you pay? A recent study conducted by PlayUSA wanted to find out if taxpayers in different states are getting their money's worth when it comes to lawmaker productivity and pay.

According to the study, New York lawmakers have the second-highest base pay in the country, with an annual average of $142,000. Keep in mind that how much money a lawmaker makes doesn’t necessarily impact their productivity though. That is something very important to remember. In this case, New York taxpayers are paying nearly twice as much as taxpayers in Texas for about the same impact.

Despite the high pay, New York lawmakers are ranked as the 4th-most productive in the U.S. with 2,425 bills passed during last year's legislative session. The state also reimburses its legislators for their commutes to work.

While it can be frustrating to feel like you're paying a lot in taxes and not really seeing any tangible results, the PlayUSA study suggests that we New York taxpayers are at least getting value for their money when it comes to legislative productivity.

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It's always important to stay informed about the use of taxpayer funds, and studies like this can help shed light on how effectively lawmakers are utilizing those funds and put things into perspective for us.

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