Remembering Charley Pride
Well as we probably all know by now, we lost country music legend Charley Pride at the age of 86 on Saturday, December 12th. It was from complications from COVID-19, which took many by surprise because he never publicly announced that he had it.

I had the chance to meet him in 2015 when he was in town for the Annual Jim "Mudcat" Grant All-Star Golf Tournament is at the Links at Hiawatha. It features ex-athletes and celebrities from across the country.
He was in the building for an interview on one of our sister stations. Charlie was gracious enough to stop and let Traci and I get a quick picture with him. That was awesome but it's not my favorite Charlie Pride memory.
I wish I would have had the time to tell Charley about the significance that "Kiss An Angel Good Mornin" had on me. It impacted in a way that I wouldn't appreciate until many years later.
It had to do with my Grandma Margaret Pitcher and her record player that she kept in the corner of the living room. When I would stay overnight, she would let me play her 45 records on the player. If you're asking what's a 45 record, ask your parents.
Guess what record I would play over and over again??? Yep, it was "Kiss An Angel Good Mornin." I would pretend to introduce the song and then sing along with it. I've gotten better as an announcer but I can't say the same for my singing.
In some ways, this is where I began my dream as a DJ. But I have to admit that when I hear that song, it takes me back to my childhood when I would stay at my Grandma's house eating Cinnamon Life cereal. It brings a big smile to my face as I think of it now.
RIP Charley and thank you for your contribution to the country music world. But more importantly to me, thank you for "Kiss An Angel Good Mornin" and the memories it gives me as a child with my grandmother.