Here’s How To Show Your Appreciation To New York Volunteer Firemen
So when was the last time that you thought about your local volunteer fire department? I've been living in Chenango Bridge for 20 years and the fire station by my house is only a half-mile away.
I really don't think about the fire station much except when the place was used as a polling station and I would go there to vote. The department by my place has been serving the Town of Chenango since 1938 and is 100% volunteer.
If my house caught on fire, I know that they would respond...but what if they didn't because they didn't have enough volunteers? I've taken the Chenango Bridge Fire Company for granted and I SHOULD NEVER do that.
Let's face it, I'm sure that most of us take our local volunteer firefighters for granted and we shouldn't. There are over 30 volunteer fire departments in the Broome, Chenango, and Tioga County areas and they are in great need of volunteers.
RecruitNY Weekend
The number of volunteer firefighters has been on the decline for years and that's why "RecruitNY" is happening this weekend throughout New York State. This is a chance to take a tour of the firehouses near you, see their equipment, and a chance to get to know our volunteers a little better.
Chenango Bridge Fire Station Open House
On Saturday, April 24th, the Chenango Bridge Fire Station #1, 17 Kattelville Road will be having its Open House from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. You'll have a chance to check out the equipment, take a tour, basket raffles and the Firehouse Subs trailer will be on hand too. I'll be there from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and would love to see you too.
I know that one of the things that my dad and brother-in-law are most proud of is being a volunteer firefighter and I'm proud of them for doing it. Is there a fire in you? Go here to see the complete list of fire departments that will be participating this weekend.
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