New York pet lovers! Anyone who shares their life with a furry friend knows the joy that it can bring, along with the challenges that come with it too. But what happens when our pets become a bone of contention in our relationships?

In a recent survey, it was found that nearly a third (31%) of Americans admit to loving their pets more than their partners. Our loyal companions are giving some competition to our human loved ones! In fact, 58% wouldn't even consider dating someone who doesn't have a soft spot for pets in their future.

So what is the big problem? No big surprise here but a lot of it has to do with finances. Almost half of pet-owning couples (46%) don't split the costs of their pet equally, which can add problems to their relationship.

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And what happens if things go south? 63% of couples don't have a plan for their pet if they break up, and 1 in 5 admitted that they would be willing to part with some of their joint savings or financial assets to keep their furry family member after a break-up.

Here's a surprising twist - our pets are even joining in some of the couples romantic escapades! One in ten pet owners has taken their pet along on a date, and 28% have made their pet part of their dating profiles.

So, what is the takeaway for these couples with pets? It's apparent that our pets are not just companions but a big part of our lives, love, and even our finances.

Five Exotic Pets That You Can Own in Upstate New York

If the thought of owning a dog or a cat or a parakeet sounds nice and all but you’re looking for an animal that’s a little more exotic, there are five super cute exotic animals that appear to be completely legal to own in Upstate New York, although you might want to check your local ordinance laws to be absolutely sure. 

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