Southern Tier Family Launches Annual Christmas Card Campaign
When I was a young girl my family would visit the nursing home near my house just about every Sunday after church. We'd spend an hour or two chatting with residents and I became close to quite a few of them. One of the residents was a man named Fred. Fred was pushing 106-years-old and was so alone. He had outlived his wife and kids, his parents and siblings, and his surviving family had busy lives of their own and not much time to visit. I would sit with Fred for countless hours, holding his hand and listening to his stories of life as a young man.
My life was profoundly changed by Fred and my nursing home visits. I learned that if I could get past the sometimes sobering visuals, and actually listened to what the residents shared with me, I was able to learn so many things from the incredible people who had spent their entire lives shaping our world. Each person had an amazing story to tell and they were so happy to have someone to share it with.
Before our son was born, my husband and I agreed that we wanted to raise our son to have a tender and gracious heart. More than anything, we want our son to not only know how to fend for his own, but also how to have grace, love, compassion, and acceptance for all people. My husband and I agreed that we would carry on the tradition of visiting nursing homes and that we'd do it with our boy.
My family starts our Christmas card delivery the weekend before Christmas and we finish on Christmas day. Yes, we use the time between present opening and Christmas dinner on Christmas day to visit with people who might be alone or lonely. We want to make it clear to our son that Christmas is about more than just candy and presents, that it's about giving hope and love and above all else, that's it's about selflessness. I can't even imagine what it must be like for someone to feel forgotten, or as though they're a burden to their families or to society- especially during the holiday season.
When we visit area nursing homes (in Broome, Tioga, Susquehanna, and Chenango counties), we try to make sure that we take enough cards so that every single resident is able to receive one, a feat that we're not able to do completely on our own which is why we've reached out to our community for help.
If you'd like to send some Christmas cards for us to hand out to someone who could use some holiday cheer, my family would appreciate the help. The more cards we have, the more joy we'll be able to spread!
If you'd like to send a Christmas card, I need it to be in my hands no later than Friday, December 13, 2019. You can mail the card (feel free to write as much or little as you'd like, remembering to keep your words joyful) or drop it off to:
Traci Taylor
c/o Townsquare Media
59 Court Street
Binghamton, NY 13901
Please feel free to spread the word with others who you think might be interested in helping our family spread some love this Christmas!
* Several people have asked if they can donate boxes or individual blank cards and the answer is YES! The cards don't have to be signed, but if you're planning to donate unsigned cards, I need them no later than Monday, December 2nd so that my family has enough time to sign them. Also, we're happy to accept handmade cards and drawings from kids, as well as postcards, as long as they're Christmas themed.
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