Divorce Selfies — New Trend?
So I ask myself, Self! When is it ok to take a selfie? We know that wakes and funerals are bad places to do that. Especially inside the viewing area. But there's a new trend that seems like it would be quite macabre as well...
Divorce Selfies
Yep, couples are taking selfies while they're getting divorced and using the hashtag #divorceselfies and sharing them on their social media. From the pictures I've seen, some of them are at lawyer's offices, some are just the couple holding their papers, and in some cases, some of these people really don't look happy at all. Apparentley there's a go to site to get rid of your symbols of forever together too: hockmyrock.com
More excited than out our wedding day. #heresyoursign #divorceselfie
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(Via: Buzzfeed)