Coffee: Good or Bad For Us?
Today (9/29) is "National Coffee Day" and this year more than ever, we are celebrating our smooth cup of Joe. The Hawk Morning Show has relied on Mister Koffee to help get us through the show and the pandemic.
Traci has a wonderful story about where you can find cheap and free coffee today. Dunkin' is celebrating by giving you a free medium hot or iced coffee with any purchase. Is it a sign that you are getting older (or wiser) when you like your coffee iced and your cider hot? Asking for a friend!
I don't know about you but I've found myself drinking more coffee during the coronavirus pandemic. How about you? There is a study from the Mayo Clinic that says drinking four or more cups of coffee a day could increase the risk of dying from a list of diseases.
Before we go further, I have a question? Can I get a list of the diseases? If they're not too big, it might be worth it. I think what I'm going to do is to drink less cups...Not less coffee, I'll just use bigger cups.
Before you start to panic, they also include a study that shows that coffee is good for us, so pick the narrative that fits you best. Me? They can take my coffee when they pry it from my cold, dead hands...OKAY, that's a bit dramatic.
Happy Coffee Day to all and I have one final question: Is it okay to celebrate with an Irish coffee...Once again, asking for a friend.