Broome County Offering Free Car Seat Safety Check
Anyone who's ever had to install a car seat will tell you that it's enough to fry your nerves. You want to make sure that your little one is safe, but there are so many straps and hooks and connectors and pulley-thingies. And, just when you've installed the seat and think you did it correctly, you start to second guess yourself.
If you've found yourself in this situation or if you had your seat installed by someone else and just want to be on the safe side and make sure it's really okay, the Broome County Health Department, the Broome County Sheriff's Office and GHS Federal Credit Union will be offering a free safety seat check.
The safety seat check will be conducted by certified Child Passenger Safety technicians who will look not just at how the seat was installed, but also at the seat itself to make sure it's safe for your precious cargo.
The safety seat inspection will be held at GHS Federal Credit Union, 910 Front Street in Binghamton, on Saturday, July 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
If you’re interested in having your car seat looked over, you should bring your car seat (s), child(ren), and the vehicle the child safety seat will be installed in as well as the car seat manual and vehicle manual.
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