
Why New York Storage Units Are so Scarce Before Christmas
If you have been trying to get a storage unit in New York State lately you might have noticed it is nearly impossible. Some facilities are telling customers to wait a few months and you my be shocked when you find out why.

Trail in Upstate New York Town Reportedly a Time Vortex
There is a small trail in Upstate New York that has may have such a strong magnetic pulse it can reportedly cause hikers to hallucinate and lose track of time.

Catskills, New York Hike Leads To Ruins Of Troubled Hotel
One of the most unique places to visit in the Hudson Valley is tucked away on a trail in the Catskills.

Crazy Animation Puts Depth of Titanic Into Perspective
The Statue of Liberty wouldn't even be visible.

Hudson Valley Celeb Retires from Voicing Darth Vader
James Earl Jones announced that he is retiring from lending his epic voice behind Darth Vader's mask.

Upstate New York Town Has Sasquatch Call Contest & It’s Hilarious
Even the loser of the contest could have a bright future as the singer for a death metal band.

Sports Commentator Sparks ‘Upstate’ New York Line Debate
The only line Mike Tirico should be talking about is an offensive line. He clearly has no business commenting on such a controversial subject.

New York Boy A Finalist in Kids Mullet Championship
This kid is going places and it isn't the barbershop.

The Shocking Cost of College Tuition in New York State
You may not agree with the recent loan bailout but it is pretty crazy that teenagers with no financial responsibility are allowed to take these kinds of loans out.

Stranger Things Star is Working As a Hudson Valley Lifeguard
Imagine seeing one of the biggest teen celebrities at your local pool and he's not just swimming there. He's working there.

Fan Gets a Haircut During 8th Inning of a Yankee Game
We shouldn't be so quick to judge. Maybe he had an appointment and didn't want to ditch his barber so he invited him to the game.

NY Ranch Blasted After Woman Says She Was Too Heavy To Ride Horse
Is it body shaming or are they looking out for the horses? A Tik Tok star with millions of followers is blasting a ranch here in New York after she claims they said she exceeded the horses weight limit at 240 lbs.

Timeline That Estimates When Your Tax Return Will Arrive
Many New Yorkers will be getting back a large sum of money from their federal tax return. When will those checks get directly deposited or when will those checks arrive?
The deadline to file for your taxes was a few days later than it usually is this year but that date is passed. The...

Saugerties, New York is Home to One of The Strangest Places on Earth
Where's the guy with the funny hair? I'm not saying it's aliens but it looks like it could be aliens.