Trunk-or-Treat and Hayride at Chenango Valley State Park
Friends of Chenango Valley State Park has announced a special trunk-or-treat and hayride at the park during the afternoon of Halloween.

The Chenango Valley State Park Trunk-Or-Treat and Hayride is open to the public and will take place inside the park at 153 State Park Road in Chenango Forks on Saturday, October 31 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
According to Christell Shoemaker, the event has 30 vehicles signed up to participate in trunk-or-treat and four firetrucks with Frito Lay as a sponsor. Chipmunk camping will be the site of the socially distanced trunk-or-treating. The hayride area will travel through Chipmunk and then return treat seekers and their parents back to the parking area which is in Pine Plains. Please note that masks will be required to participate in the hayride.
If you have a vehicle and would like to be part of this event or if you’re interested in volunteering to make this event as fun as possible for the kids who will be attending, please reach out to Friends of Chenango Valley State Park on Facebook or by sending an email to FriendsOfCVSP@gmail.com. Anyone who will be a trunk participant will be given an entire campsite that they can decorate if they'd like to. Also, everyone handing out treats will be wearing masks and gloves. Hand sanitizer will also be available for anyone who would like to use it.
If you’re unable to provide a trunk but would like to donate candy for the event, candy can be dropped off at the Chenango Valley State Park office by Thursday, October 29.
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