This Is Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Call the Turkey Talk-Line
We all know by now that Thanksgiving is going to probably be different this year. If you didn't know that, I have two questions for you: What rock have you been under, and is there enough room for me?
In New York, we aren't allowed to have more than 10 people at the house for the holidays. That means smaller get-togethers and first-time turkey cooks. They say that as many as 25% more people could be cooking turkey for the first time.
More first time cooks mean more questions. Don't worry if you think that you have a dumb question because 1) They can't see you 2) You'll never talk to that particular operator again and 3) They've heard worse.
Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself with these questions that were asked:
How do I roast my turkey so it gets golden brown the shape of a turkey tikini?
How do I carve the turkey when all of the bones are broken? Apparently, he wrapped up the turkey and stomped on it so it would fit in his pan. Notice I said " he" and "his."
I carved my turkey with a chainsaw. Will the chain grease affect the taste?
As you can see, when it's time to call the Turkey Talk-Line at 1-800-BUTTERBALL (1-800-288-8372), you have NOTHING to worry about.
By the way, you can talk turkey with the Butterball experts through Christmas Eve, so you still have a month to screw up and have someone to talk to that cares...even if they are getting paid to do it.
If all else fails, check out the gallery below for the best places to buy Thanksgiving dinner in the Southern Tier.