Upstate New York News

Fire Rages at Rachel Ray’s Lake Luzerne Home
Fire Rages at Rachel Ray’s Lake Luzerne Home
Fire Rages at Rachel Ray’s Lake Luzerne Home
It is being reported that Rachel Ray's Lake Luzerne house in on fire and that firefighters are currently battling the blaze. Ray, the celebrity chef and talk show host grew up in Warren County and still has a home here in the Capital Region.  Here's the latest on what is being reported.
New York Teachers Targeted In Unemployment Scam
New York Teachers Targeted In Unemployment Scam
New York Teachers Targeted In Unemployment Scam
Teaching in the modern world means relying heavily on internet usage and that has exploded during the pandemic. On Friday it was learned that some New York school districts, potentially locally, have been targets of cyberattacks. The hackers were able to retrieve private information from teachers in an attempt to scam the state of New York, fraudulently filing for unemployment.