
Top 3 Mother's Day Scams
Top 3 Mother's Day Scams
Top 3 Mother's Day Scams
If you're buying for Mom online, make sure it's from a legitimate website. Mother's Day is a really popular time of year for fraud websites that sell stolen merchandise,and a lot of them seem legit if you're not paying attention. All the graphics and ads on the site might look right...
Uninvited Friends - Facebook Rant [Caution: Adult Topic]
Uninvited Friends - Facebook Rant [Caution: Adult Topic]
Uninvited Friends - Facebook Rant [Caution: Adult Topic]
You guys that are on my friends list... you HAVE to check the profiles of "hot girls" that send you friend requests. Increasingly, every dang day... I've been getting more and more of these type of Friend requests: GUYS!!! If there's a link to her Webcam of sexy fun...
How did your parents did to save a few bucks?
How did your parents did to save a few bucks?
How did your parents did to save a few bucks?
I can remember my parents saving cash any way they could. I remember them putting our garbage in shopping bags and throwing them out at several gas stations making it look like we "just cleaned out the car" or my grandmother asking for her "Senior Citizens Discount" everywhere we went...
Here's How Shopping Websites Get you To Spend More
Here's How Shopping Websites Get you To Spend More
Here's How Shopping Websites Get you To Spend More
Some of the stores we love to shop at use some pretty mind bending tricks to get us to spend more cash, huge shopping carts, having you jam to old favorite tunes while you shop putting the cheap and seemingly awesome stuff upfront and in your face. However there also are some tricks that webstores use to get you to keep clicking the “Add to Cart” button.