Swimming in Summer Squash? Give This Recipe a Try!
When it comes to summer squash and this time of year, it's almost like the shrimp scene from "Forrest Gump" with all the various ways shrimp can be prepared, but instead, it's squash. Steamed, baked, fried, if you can imagine it, you can definitely make it when it comes to squash.
I chuckle when I talk to people who are frustrated with the amount of squash their garden has harvested and have no idea what to do with all of it because, in my house, we suck it down like nobody's business and never get tired of it. We incorporate squash into eggs for breakfast and fried potatoes for dinner. Sometimes, we just eat what we call "squash steaks." To make a "squash steak," cut the squash lengthwise, coat it in olive oil, sprinkle with salt, and whatever seasoning you want and grill it until it gets soft. DELICIOUS! If you're looking for an amazing seasoning, try the one below. You'll end up using it on everything.
The other night I was looking in the produce basket that I keep on the kitchen counter and realized that I had some squash and garlic that I needed to cook before it went bad, but it was too late to fire up the grill. So, I made another one of our favorites- squash in garlic sauce over pasta. My husband and I made up this recipe years ago and we love the simplicity yet flavor explosion. Also, so many other fresh ingredients can be incorporated into it.
Summer Squash in Garlic Sauce Over Pasta
1. 1 medium yellow squash, sliced into thick chunks
2. 1 zucchini, sliced into thick chunks
3. 1lb spaghetti noodles
4. 6 to 8 fresh garlic cloves, minced
5. 1/4 cup butter
6. 2 tablespoons of olive oil
7. Italian seasoning
8. Salt (to taste)
1. Cook pasta according to package, but be sure to scoop out a cup of the pasta water before draining because you'll use it later.
2. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add the squash and cook until it starts to turn a rich brownish color.
3. Add the garlic and cook for 5-7 minutes; adding in the two tablespoons of olive oil as the garlic cooks.
4. Add the cooked pasta and Italian seasoning (add as much as you want) to the skillet and then slowly add in the pasta water. Don't dump in all the water- you want to add a bit at a time until the pasta is coated, but not drowning in liquid.
5. Toss all the ingredients in the skillet until everything is well mixed before serving.
Sometimes I add a dash of Everything But the Bagel seasoning after plating for a touch of extra flavor and crunch.