Oreos With Cream Made of Dunkin’ Coffee
If you've ever wondered what would happen if an Oreo cookie had sexy time with Dunkin' Donuts Mocha Coffee...here's your answer, sicko.
The newest limited edition flavor of Oreos is Dunkin' Donuts Mocha. The cookies are made up of two chocolate cookies with a cream that tastes like Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Rumor has it they will be releasing in July. In fact, this isn't the first coffee flavored Oreo! If you have an Oreo addiction you may remember Double Delight 'Coffee & Creme' Oreos? DANG IT!! Now I'm hungry... Lord have mercy.
Sad news though folks. You can't get them yet. They'll be available in stores this summer.
(Via: GrubStreet)