New York State Hunting Licenses on Sale
Southern Tier hunters are gearing up for Fall as the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation begins selling hunting permits and trapping licenses for the season.
Licenses went on sale August 6.
Deer hunters are encouraged to register for their licenses before the October 1 deadline as their sport is integral in helping to control the Whitetail deer population.
Every year, deer are responsible for thousands of dollars in damage, mainly to vehicles in collisions, but also to property while browsing in neighborhoods.
The DEC estimates over 600,000 hunters spend $1.5 billion each year on their sport in New York State.
Information on hunting zones, regulations and seasons for specific game species as well as license applications can be found on the DEC website www.dec.ny.gov or by calling (866) 933-2257.
The DEC is even offering extended hours on nights and weekends to accommodate hunters looking for more information or to purchase licenses.
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