What is New York’s Southern Tier So Excited About This Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving. A day to be, well thankful for whatever you wish. It could be one thing, or It could be many things. And with that, we add time off, spending the holiday with family, maybe shopping, and putting up the holiday decorations.
After watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, and filling up on a delicious Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, I may take a day trip over the long weekend and visit my family in the Western part of the Southern Tier, weather dependent as they say.

I recently asked a question - In one word or short sentence, what is your favorite thing about Thanksgiving? Once again, I received many responses. For example, Lynn C, commented - "Family & a piece of pecan pie - the only time I get it." Amy K. said "Family, but we are not getting together this year. Everyone is far away and gas prices make it crazy to travel." Yes, we sure agree with that.
And Gary C. commented on one response about pie and cheese as a favorite thing about Thanksgiving - "When I worked in the grocery store, we put a sign in the cheese case... "Apple Pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze." That's a great saying.
Check out what you and those in our community had to say about their favorite thing about thanksgiving in one word or short sentence. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend!
In One Word Or Short Sentence, What Is Your Favorite Thing About Thanksgiving
This Is Your Favorite Thing About Thanksgiving
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