June 16 | 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Ryder Park
5400 Butternut Dr, East Syracuse, NY 13057 United States

Additional Information

Simply put, an estate plan is a map of how you wish to have your personal and financial affairs to be handled in case of death, OR incapacity. The plan also includes subsequent implementation of the strategies that will fulfill your objectives. The considerations of Estate Planning are vast and detailed, and we will be doing a FREE seminar on this topic on June 16th, 6:30pm at Galster Pavilion at Ryder Park. Make plans to join us for this in-depth presentation about Estate Planning, which will include incapacity, Will process, gifting, trusts, life insurance, and more.

When: June 16th at 6:30
Where: Galster Pavilion at Ryder Park
Presenters: Sandra Karas, Esq. & Drew K Ward, Esq.

Stay for FREE Ice Cream from the Skippy's Ice Cream Truck after!