Lady Antebellum is on a hiatus but Charles Kelley is one busy man. His wife, Cassie is expecting their 1st child. He's been nominated for his first solo single Grammy with his song 'The Driver.'

Cassidy had previously insisted that Charles attend the ceremony even though the Grammy's (February 15th) is just days before her due date. However an incident just before his appearance on Good Morning America changed his mind.

The day before his appearance on the show, Cassie had an appointment. While she was there, she ended up with fake contractions. So now they are convinced that their son will be born sooner rather than later.

Charles was also set to reunite with band mates Hillary Scott and Dave Haywood to pay tribute to Lionel Richie at an event the Saturday before the Grammy's. He didn't want to cancel on the day of the event.

He did reveal that they planned to do 'Endless Love' at the tribute. So you won't see him at the Grammy's but you could see him in Chicago in April.

It's the Hawks' Flyaway to meet and eat with Charles. He's playing at the House of Blues in Chicago on April 14th. You'll have dinner with him before the show, VIP tickets to the show and 500 cash to spend any way you wish.

Check it out below and enter as often as you can.


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