Celebrating An Anniversary During the Coronavirus Pandemic
This coronavirus has many people scared and confused. I would like to add the word "frustrating." That word can apply to everybody in one way or another and this is why it's my word for today.
On Easter Sunday, it was a nice day for a drive and I would have liked to have traveled to Warren Center to see my parents, Carl and Donna. Not only because it was Easter but Monday, April 13th is their 57th wedding anniversary. So it was frustrating that I couldn't see them.
57 years with the same person. WOW! Some people can't make it 57 months...or 57 days. Half of the marriages including Christian marriages don't survive and let's not forget about the loveless marriages.
Marriage is tough and if it isn't then you may not be doing it right. Talk about irony. My parents have stuck together through it all and it's because their relationship is centered in Christ.
If you make Jesus first and each other second, it can make for an amazing and rewarding journey. My parents have done that and gave me a solid Christian upbringing.
They were leaders of the Methodist Youth Fellowship group. I remember one of the things that my Mom asked our youth group. It was "How do you know you are loved?" My mom's answer was "when I'm called Masquaw."
I got the name "Masquaw" after the comic strip Redeye and I still call her it today. I call my dad "Pops." I don't have a story behind it, I just like the name. They've been there for me when I was wandering the wilderness and they never lost faith in me.
They believed in me when I didn't have faith in my self. I've said this many times, my shortcomings aren't because of them.
So to my parents, Masquaw and Pops...Until COVID-19 is over and we can get together again. Thank you...Love you...and Happy Anniversary.
This is not the way that I want to get out of giving a gift.
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