Each and every day, countless men and women wave goodbye to family and friends and head out to serve those who are ailing as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Taylor Swift, for one, is noticing those people, including one very special woman in particular.

Whitney Hilton is a registered nurse in Utah who traveled to the Big Apple to assist the medical staff at the Northwell Health's Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York in the fight against the coronavirus.

"This is a humbling experience,” Hilton wrote from the front lines in a recent blog post, as reported by People magazine. “I have so much to say but almost too overwhelmed to say it all. New York has been hit HARD. The people need help, the nurses need help, the doctors need help, everyone needs help. This is crisis mode like I’ve never seen. This is an incredible experience, albeit the hardest thing I’ve ever done AND equally the most rewarding."

Recently returning home, Hilton celebrated her 30th birthday with a surprise delivery from Swift, including a handwritten note and a bevy of merchandise from her current Lover album.

"I wanted to send you some presents and to let you know I am so grateful for you,” Swift wrote, according to People. “I can't thank you enough for risking your life to help people and for spreading the message loudly that people need to hear about taking this seriously. Also, I saw the photo of you from my show! Thank you for coming! I would love to give you a hug next time and thank you in person. With love and admiration, Taylor.”

Hilton was not only shocked to receive something from one of her favorite music artists, but also couldn't help but head to Twitter to thank her for recognizing her in this way.

"I need to PUBLICLY THANK TAYLOR SWIFT @taylorswift & @taylornation13 @treepaine for sending me a box full of Merch & a PERSONALIZED LETTER from Taylor herself for my 30th birthday/for going to NYC to help as a nurse," she wrote. "This was quite literally the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE."

Earlier this year, Swift was forced to cancel all of her 2020 concert dates in light of the continuing coronavirus crisis.

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