With sky-rocketing prices of healthcare. I was sure I heard somewhere that premiums would fall under Obamacare. Maybe I was dreaming it, or was it a nightmare? So when we feel ill, we try grandma's old-fashioned home remedies. It's amazing what you can do with vodka, a pencil or ice cream.

Problem: Headache - Aspirin or Tylenol can be expensive so try a pencil instead. Okay this is for stress headaches not the self-made kind. When you feel stress or anxious, you subconsciously clench your jaw or teeth.

So put a pencil between your teeth...but don't bite. This will relax your jaw muscle and prevent the headache. It could also prevent you from eating, so it can help you lose weight too. BONUS!

Problem: Stinky feet - Vodka. Wait, what? That's right, don't wash them in the bathtub with warm soapy water, wash them in vodka. Soak a washcloth in vodka, it works as an antiseptic that destroys odor-causing fungus and bacteria.

It dries out the moisture that allows the organisms to grow. I think this is the wife's way of getting your feet smelling good and to get rid of the liquor around the house. Rubbing alcohol also works. I know what you're thinking, "why didn't you tell me that to begin with?"

Problem: Pizza Burn - Is this a common problem? Have you eaten pizza that's too hot and it burns the roof of your mouth? Of course, we all have. Don't reach for the cold drink on the table. No, run to the freezer and gets some ice cream.

The tissue is thin in the mouth, so it's sensitive to hot foods. A spoonful of ice cream can soothe your mouth. Alright, a swig of a cold drink can work as well, but the other way is better. You can eat ice cream and claim that it's because your mouth hurts. The pain goes away and you can eat ice cream!

I'm not a doctor. I don't play one on the radio, although when I was a DJ in college, I was the "Doc of Rock." So if you have a real problem, you can go here for other home remedies or maybe WebMD is a better source for you.

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