It's hard to believe that there is only about a month left of summer vacation. Traci and I were talking about things that you should and shouldn't take with you when you go away.

One of the things that you should take is 2 pair of shoes, even if it's for one day. Here's what happened to me.

Earlier this summer, I took the girls (Riley/Tara) and their friends to an amusement park. Tara had a flip flop bust in the first hour there. I tried to fix it with string....Silly Daddy. So I did what any responsible parent would do....I bought her new ones. Nothing like buying shoes at an amusement park price.

I thought the problem was solved until one of the new flip flops started bothering her.  I was lucky, the flip flop that was bugging her could be replaced with the old flip flop that wasn't busted. WHEW!

I'm told that's the way kids like to wear them these days (along with mix matched socks.)  So she looked fashionable and I told everyone that I got them for her that way.

So from now on, I always try take an extra pair when I go traveling. It saves money and it saves me time trying to find another pair.

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