It used to be that when we wanted someone to know we were laughing at something they said online or in a text, we'd type "lol" to express our laughter. But let's face it, "lol" is so last year. 

If this isn't proof that the laugh out loud acronym is over, I don't know what is.

Facebook did a study to find out users' preferences for expressing laughter online, and "lol" isn't the popular choice anymore.

So what are all the cool kids typing? That would be "Haha."  I can't think of a time I've ever written "lol." I've always typed out "haha," so me, the dorkiest woman ever, has actually been ahead of the cool curve. Who'd have thought?

Other than "haha," these are the other most popular ways to express laughter without using "lol."

  1. Emoji: 34% say an emoji is the way to say something is funny.
  2. HeHe: 13% use this variation of HaHa.
  3. LOL: Only 2% of people in the study admitted to using LOL anymore.

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