There's something special about the bond between a father and his daughter.  Most dads get to walk their little girl down the aisle and give her away and dance with her at her wedding reception, but what if a girl's dad isn't able to be at her most special day because he won't be alive?

This is the heart wrenching question that Rachel Wolf faces.  You see, Rachel's dad has pancreatic cancer and only a few short months to live.

So, to make sure that her daddy would be there on her wedding day, 25 year old Rachel (who doesn't have a groom) came up with an idea.  An idea that as far as I know has never been done before. Rachel created and recorded her own father/daughter dance so that her dad can be with her on her wedding day, whenever that day comes.

Just hours before Rachel and her dad were to record their father/daughter dance, he was in the hospital and was so weak that he needed help dressing himself in his tux, but he made it to the park and found the strength to dance with his little girl so that when her day comes, he'll be right there with her.

Doctor Wolf's own words are so spot on: "Each and every day, we have a choice. We have a choice to either love that person that's in front of us or not. It's the relationships that you build over the years that is the most important thing in life. Everything else is just an illusion."

There's no way to watch that and not cry, is there?

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