Have you ever found yourself sitting in a restaurant, wondering what they do with all the leftover food they’ve prepared that can’t be served the next day?

I know when I was a kid, places like our local bakery would fill up clear bags with pastries and such at the end of the day and anyone who wanted to grab a bag for free was welcome. Whatever was left when the shop closed at night was donated to a local shelter.

But food laws have changed drastically since I was a kid. A lot of the places that used to donate food aren’t allowed to anymore for one reason or another. Some companies even have restrictions on employees being allowed to take leftovers home, and when you think about all of that, it’s easy to see just how much food goes to waste when there’s really no need.

Whether you’re someone who loves leftovers or hates the thought of good food going to waste, there’s an app you’re going to love.

The app is called Too Good to Go and it puts restaurant leftovers in your belly for less than the cost of a regular meal. Obviously, you won’t be eating the leftovers that people have left behind because that would be pretty disgusting. The leftovers you’ll enjoy are those that have been cooked, but not served and can’t be served for whatever reason.

What I love most about this new app is that it’s a way to reduce the amount of good food being thrown away, which is a huge problem.

The way that the app works is that it lets you pick from a list of restaurants, order what you want and select a time to pick up your food. Right now the service is only available in the UK, but there are plans to expand to other countries and I don’t know about you, but I really hope this finds its way to the United States.

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