Well the 12 Days of Christmas are here.  We all know how that song goes....sort of.  We give a different present everyday to the one we love.  What do we love as much, if not more, as that special someone in our life. Facebook of course.

So I give you now, The 12 Days of Facebook.  I'll just start at 12 and work my way to the 1st one.  On the 12th day of Christmas my Facebook gave to me Twelve freaks I'm blocking, Eleven friends just lurking, Ten corny topics, Nine busted friendships, Eight friends complaining, Seven stalkers stalking, Six party invites, Fiiiiiiiiive Drama Queeeens, Four game requests, Three photo tags, Two friends-a-poking' And the sponsored ads in the sidebar!

I hope you enjoy this new Christmas classic. You may be asking where I heard about this song....Why, Facebook of course.

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