This is the time of year when a little bit of bloating can destroy a day by making it impossible to button up those almost-but-not-quite-too tight shorts from last season that really should go back into the closet. But they’re super cute and you just have to wear them, right? Yeah, I’ve been there too. Thanks to Bon Appétit magazine, we’ve got a way to fight the bloat and what’s even better is that we can fight it with food!

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    If you feel a little queasy after eating, ginger can be a fast-acting antacid. It's also an anti-inflammatory, so do yourself a favor and keep adding it to your stir-fries and marinades. For a refreshing healthy drink, add ginger syrup to to freshly squeezed juices. And nope, ginger beer doesn't count. Sorry.

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    Dandelion Greens

    These greens, along with nutrient-rich kale, are also a diuretic. Bitter and crisp, they make a perfect addition to any salad and go well with sweet, anti-oxidant rich pomegranate seeds.

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    Apple Cider Vinegar

    This fermented juice made from crushed apples is a well known bloat fighter and potassium stabilizer. You can either mix it with water, or add it to apples, fennel, and celery for a healthy slaw. And here’s a little tip for you - use unrefined vinegar if you can. Refined apple cider vinegar loses a lot of its nutritional value during processing.

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    Turmeric doesn't have much flavor, but it infuses every dish it touches with a warm yellow-orange hue and is high in potassium. Instead of turning to curries, which can be high in fat and sodium, try adding turmeric to whole wheat couscous, rice, or soup.

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    In addition to its diuretic properties (which help to reduce water retention!), seaweed makes for a delicious B12-packed snack. Try the wafer-thin variety. They're great crumbled up on salads, soups, and veggies.

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    Basil is packed with flavonoids, an antioxidant, and the essential oil extracted from the fragrant herb is an anti-inflammatory. Basil is probably best known as a main ingredient in pesto, but it also brightens up salads and vegetable dishes.

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    Mint is actually most effective when boiled in tea (it helps to flush liquids from your system quicker), but it can also make a great pesto addition.

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    Cukes help to stimulate your kidneys in removing uric acid from your body. Although they usually take a back seat to other veggies in salads, cucumbers are a great addition and can also be added to salsas and as a refreshing topper for raw seafood.

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    Red Grapefruit

    Along with the antioxidant lycopene and a boatload of vitamin C, grapefruits help flush extra water from your system. They also add a nixe zip to salads and smoothies.

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    This tender green veggie improves kidney function and helps to flush toxins from your body. And when they're pureed, they add a really nice creamy texture to vegetable soups.

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